1. Course title: Bachelor of Arts Program in Music
2. Degree title: Bachelor of Arts in Music B.A. (Music)
3. Faculty: Humanities and Social Science
4. Course objectives: To produce graduates who
          4.1 Are knowledgeable and capable musicians with university-level theoretical and applied expertise in theory, solo performance and group work; and are capable of building a successful career, using technology and adjusting to a wide range of experiences in society.
          4.2 Have solid research skills and are apply to apply their research knowledge to develop themselves and society.
          4.3 Are creative and innovative thinkers; and are able to use their knowledge to develop themselves and progress to post-graduate education.
          4.4 Are moral, ethical, productive and public-spirited members of society.
5. Curriculum:
          5.1 Total credits: Not fewer than 126 credits in total.
          5.2 The curriculum is separated into the following subjects:
                    5.2.1 General courses totaling not fewer than credits 30 and comprised of
                     Languages and communication studies                                   12-15 credits
                     Humanities                                                                                   3-9 credits
                     Social studies                                                                               3-9 credits
                     Mathematics, sciences and technology                                      6-9 credits
                    5.2.2 Major-specific courses totaling not fewer than 90 credits comprised of
                     Core courses                                                                               83 credits
                               Compulsory courses                                                      62 credits
                                         Theoretical courses                                           41 credits
                                         Practical courses                                               21 credits
                                                             Major practical courses             12 credits
                                                             Minor practical courses               4 credits
                                                             Group performance                     2 credits
                                                             Presenting work                           3 credits
                               Optional courses                                                            21 credits
                     Training and work experience                                                      7 credits
                    5.2.3 Optional modules totaling not fewer than                                               6 credits
6. Careers after Graduation
          6.1 Singer or musician
          6.2 Musical arranger
          6.3 Composer
          6.4 Manager of a private music school
          6.5 Trainer of marching bands
          6.6 Trainer of Thai folk bands and string groups
          6.7 Music and musical culture researcher
          6.8 Education officer in a local community organization
          6.9 Businessperson in the music industry