1. Course title: Bachelor of Arts Program in Community Development
2. Degree title: Bachelor of Arts (Community Development) B.A. (Community Development)
3. Faculty: Humanities and Social Science
4. Course objectives: To produce graduates who
          4.1 Are committed learners who are able to combine both theory and practice in community development.
       4.2 Are able to undertake public action research and apply the resulting knowledge to managing community development in a systematic and interdisciplinary manner.
          4.3 Are knowledgeable about their field; are moral and ethical; and have a vision which is consistent with that of the local community.
5. Curriculum:
          5.1 Total credits: Not fewer than 124 credits in total.
          5.2 The curriculum is separated into the following subjects:
                    5.2.1 General courses totaling not fewer than credits 30 and comprised of
                     Languages and communication studies                     12-15 credits
                     Humanities                                                                     3-9 credits
                     Social studies                                                                 3-9 credits
                     Mathematics, sciences and technology                        6-9 credits
                    5.2.2 Major-specific courses totaling not fewer than 88 credits comprised of
                     Content courses Not fewer than                                   81 credits
                               Compulsory courses                                         51 credits
                               Optional courses                                              30 credits
                               Training and work experience                              7 credits
                    5.2.3 Optional modules totaling not fewer than                                 6 credits
6. Careers after Graduation
          6.1 Community development officer working in government, state industry or local organization
          6.2 Development officer in an NGO
          6.3 Local government policy and planning analyst
          6.4 Researcher or independent community development expert
          6.5 Project coordinator for social development