1. Course title: Bachelor of Arts Program in Chinese
2. Degree title: Bachelor of Arts (Chinese) B.A. (Chinese)
3. Faculty: Humanities and Social Science
4. Course objectives: To produce graduates who
4.1 Have knowledge and understanding of and skill in the Chinese language and are able to use this to build a career or to pursue further studies.
4.2 Are able to apply their knowledge in their professional life, whether the work is directly related to Chinese or not.
4.3 Have a moral and ethical outlook and are patient, hard-working and public spirited.
5. Curriculum:
5.1 Total credits: Not fewer than 126 credits in total.
5.2 The curriculum is separated into the following subjects:
5.2.1 General courses totaling not fewer than credits 30 and comprised of Languages and communication studies 12-15 credits Humanities 3-9 credits Social studies 3-9 credits Mathematics, sciences and technology 6-9 credits
5.2.2 Major-specific courses totaling not fewer than 90 credits comprised of Content courses Not fewer than 83 credits Compulsory courses 48 credits Optional courses 35 credits Training and work experience 7 credits
5.2.3 Optional modules totaling not fewer than 6 credits
6. Careers after Graduation
6.1 Chinese-language officer in the public or private sector
6.2 Interpreter or translator in an organization which uses Chinese
6.3 Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an embassy or a consulate
6.4 Research assistant in an areas related to China or the Chinese language
6.5 Tour guide
6.6 Immigration officer
6.7 Officer or coordinator in tourism or service industries in Thailand or China